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clever.  About us


A company devoted to all things knitting, owned and operated by sisters, Emily & Amanda.

Raised in a yarn shop, literally!  Their mother has owned and managed a shop in Minnesota for over 45 years. 

Since 2010 Emily and Amanda have designed knitting patterns for all ability levels and a darn clever line of t-shirts, knitting bags and accessories.  In addition to compulsive knitting and designing clever. patterns, Emily has a day job as an architectural historian and a toddler who keeps her on her toes. 

Amanda is in the process of earning her Master Knitters certificate.  When she isn't knitting or designing she is involved with her son's school, working with her husband's business or planning their next adventure. 

All of our clever patterns (as featured on Ravelry) & products are available on our website.

Thank you for visiting, now go find your perfect pattern!



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